Thursday, July 21, 2011

Day 7 - Strength

I made it through the 1st week and feeling very strong.  I LOVE this program.  Today was a repeat of day one, total body strength training.  My favorite thing to do is the dumbell squats with curls and pushups.  Looking back to my entry from day 1, I was definitely able to more today than I did then.  I pushed myself much harder, and was able to do more reps throughout.   I also continue to be sore, but still in a good way.  I imagine I am going to be sore for the next 30 days.

There's a woman I work with who keeps complimenting me, telling me I look thin and lean.  It's a motivator and I'm excited about looking and feeling good.  As for diet, I haven't really been following a "diet" to lose weight plan, but I am following my insulin resistance program plan.  I've been indulging a bit too much on nuts, I think I'll tackle that one in a few days (when the cashews run out). 

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