
Note:  I am not a licensed or trained nutritionist, medical professional or diet coach. All things I do and say here are my own personal opinions, from my own experiences and research.  I don't recommend anyone follow any food regimen without the approval of their personal physician.

Almost everyone I know is on a diet... or wants to be.  Personally I don't believe in being on a diet to lose weight.  My approach is much simpler - it's about sustaining a healthy diet in your life, for your entire life, that allows you to feel great, be healthy, and control your weight.

This doesn't mean you don't have weight to lose.  You might.  In fact, like most American's today, you probably do have weight to lose.  My diet tips will help you lose weight if you want, but more importantly help you get healthier and stay that way.  I believe in teaching people to be empowered to help themselves forever.  Before changing any of your eating, consult with your physician.

1.  There is no such thing as failing or being bad.  You're human and I assume if you're reading this you are an adult, so eat whatever you want, that helps you reach your goals.  That last part is key.  If there is a moment, an event, a day, a vacation, whatever that takes you outside your goals - that's ok.  You're allowed.  Just keep reaching for those goals.  Every day is a new day to take one step closer to accomplishing what's important to you.

2. Define your goals.  Are you trying to be healthier? Lose weight? Reduce your cholesterol? Just feel better?  Only you know why you're here and why this is important to you.  Be true to yourself however.  If you're trying to be healthier because someone else wants you to and you don't really want it, it's probably not going to happen.

3. Everyone's dietary needs are different, but in order to achieve health and fitness you really should give up processed foods.  What is processed food?  It's essentially anything that comes in a package, or has ingredients that you can't pronounce and have no idea what it is.  This should be added to your goal list above if it isn't already there.   What does that mean for me - no sugar, no white flour, no rice, no pasta (sorry).

4. Track everything you eat.  I use (my id is lbcruzin).  I use it if I have a few pounds to lose, or if I am just maintaining.  It's so important to be aware of what you are putting in your mouth.  

5.  Accountability.  It helps to have someone to be accountable to.  I'd be happy to be your coach, and help you on your way.  All I ask is that you sign up for a free teambeachbody account so I can keep track of who I'm working with.  You can do that here:   My preferred way of helping/coaching you is by you giving me access to your diary, and by us having a private accountability group on facebook.  If that doesn't work for you, let's chat and we'll figure out a way.  It motivates me to help you.

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