Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Day 1 Results - Dr. Oz Three Day Detox - 3 pounds gone!

I'm not exactly sure what I'm detoxing from, since I eat pretty clean to begin with, but I love switching up my diet every once in a while.  Why not give a Dr. Oz recommendation a try. We all love Dr. Oz, right?   I got the plan and recipes here: Dr. Oz Show.   For those who know me, I don't normally eat a lot of fruit, and this is A LOT OF FRUIT.  My normal diet is high protein, some low glycemic fruit, and lots of veggies.  Yesterday I started following his plan which is no coffee, four shakes, and that's it for three days.   My day 1 results and opinions follow:

Breakfast: Pretty good, gave me lots of energy, a little sour but I did add my 2 tablespoons of apple cidar vinegar (and a little stevia) that I have every day.  Started to feel hungry around 10am, but I usually have a snack around this time.  I had a cup of herbal tea and that held me over until noon.

Lunch: Loved it. Very green.

Mid-Afternoon snack.  I was starting to drag and have very little energy.  I was dying for a protein, but Dr. Oz's snack is to pick whichever shake you wanted.  I had the dinner shake as a snack.  It was quite good, very spicy with the cayenne pepper, but that made it interesting.

The biggest problem I had was that after this mid-afternoon snack I was done with shakes.  To begin with, I was freezing all day from all the frozen fruit.  I had no energy, a little bit of brain fog, and I was just downright dragging.  So for dinner I decided I had to have some protein.  I kept it vegan, and went with my homemade protein paleo bar.  That did the trick and help me over for the night.

Because I am scale addict, I did get on the scale this morning and much to my surprise I was down three pounds from yesterday morning!  That was a pleasant surprise because even though I was eating most fruit and some veggies, it was a LOT of fruit (in case you didn't figure it out, this is a lot of fruit - lol), and what felt like a lot of food. Some people will say it's all water, perhaps, but remember I do eat clean all the time and my weight has pretty much been holding for months, if not a year.  For me to drop three pounds in a day is pretty significant, and certainly motivating to do this for another two days.  My goal weight is really just three pounds away.  Will Dr. Oz help me get there?  We'll see.

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