Saturday, January 19, 2013

It's a new year and everyone wants to lose weight

I'm a little late with this post, but I figured I'd get it out there while I have some time.   How many people do you know that have said they want to lose weight in the new year?  How many started a diet on January 1st and have already abandoned it?  Did you know that most people who go on diets and lose weight end up gaining it all back and then some?  I used to be this way too.  Recently I joked with a family member that in my lifetime I've probably gained and lost over 1000 pounds.  In reality it's probably even more, but in the last 5 years I've learned to gain and lose the same 3 pounds and haven't gotten my weight gain above three pounds from a specific goal weight I've set.

Would I like to lose more?  Don't we all?  But let's be realistic.  I'm forty something, have two beautiful babies and the stomach that came with them, and I look and feel great.  Do I need to be perfect and have a six pack?  No, I do not.  All I really want is to feel great and look good in my clothes. 

So what's the plan?  There are two I will share.  One is for losing weight, and one is for maintaining.  One thing to note here though before I go on.  I am not a doctor.  Before you embark on any weight loss or fitness journey, you should check with your physician.  There are many differing opinions about the optimal diet for individuals, and even the doctors have conflicting opinions.

Everyday Plan:

  1. Foods to avoid: All grains, all sugars,  High glycemic vegetables (starches),  High glycemic fruits
  2. Foods to eat: Low glycemic vegetables, Low glycemic fruits, Proteins: meats, nuts (limited), beans (limited)
  3. Why is the glycemic index important?  Your body performs best when your blood sugar is kept relatively constant. If your blood sugar drops too low, you become lethargic and/or experience increased hunger. And if it goes too high, your brain signals your pancreas to secrete more insulin. Insulin brings your blood sugar back down, but primarily by converting the excess sugar to stored fat. Also, the greater the rate of increase in your blood sugar, the more chance that your body will release an excess amount of insulin, and drive your blood sugar back down too low.  Therefore, when you eat foods that cause a large and rapid glycemic response, you may feel an initial elevation in energy and mood as your blood sugar rises, but this is followed by a cycle of increased fat storage, lethargy, and more hunger!
  4. In general, you can eat whatever you want, provided it's a real food, i.e. not processed, and the glycemic index is in the low category, or non-existent, meaning the food has no impact to the glycemic load in your blood.  Low (good) glycemic index levels are 55 or less.  
  5. Here's an online list I found but you can search the internet or buy a book with all the foods in the index:

Weight Loss Diet:

Weight loss mode isn't much different from the normal eating mode for me, but in weight loss mode it is critical to watch your carbs (and in limited amounts your calories).  In general, if you are counting carbs, your calories will naturally be limited, so counting them doesn't become critical.  The reality about losing weight is that you have to burn more than you take in.  This plan is a lifestyle change, and should prepare you for the everyday plan above.
  1. You have to log what you eat, and be aware of what you are eating.  I recommend using  Connect to me there.  I am lbcruzin or  Set it up to track protein, carbs, fiber, sugar and fat.  When you log in myfitnesspal, don't worry about the limits it's telling you.  Just ignore that for now.
  2. Before you start you should take the following measurements: weight, waist in inches, chest in inches, right and left thigh in inches, hips in inches (and whatever else you want to measure).
  3. Print a month view of the calendar and mark your measurements on day one. 
  4. Sign up for free coaching from me here: Sign up for free coaching.  It doesn't cost you anything, and gives you some accountability.
  5. Week 1: Just log everything you eat.  Eat whatever you want, but log it.  Look at how many calories each of these things have, how many carbs, and how many fibers.  Just logging  will probably make you lose weight, but that is not the goal this week.  Our goal this week is to just be aware.  Each day you are doing this, check off the calendar day on your calendar.
  6. Week 2: Cut out all processed foods.  Processed foods include anything that comes in a package including pasta, rice, candy, cereals, etc.  You can eat nuts and dairy in limited amounts.  Limited because they come packed with a ton of calories, and if you substitute all the junk for this, you won't lose anything.  Again, don't worry about calories.  You are ONLY worrying about the quality of foods you are eating.  Keep logging, and notice where your carbs and 
  7. Week 3:  Start limited your net carbs to between 55 and 70 a day.  What's a net carb?  It's the total carbs minus the fiber.  This will be the plan you will follow until you reach your goal.   
  8. Week 4:  My now all sugar and carb cravings are long gone and you're feeling great.  If you really followed my plan, you will feel like you can continue eating like this forever.
  9. Week 5:  Take your measurements again at the start of this week and let me know how you're doing! 
When you get off track:
We all go off track.  Every single person who goes down this path.  The most important thing is to not let it get the best of you.  As soon as you know you have strayed off your plan, just get back on track.  Do not consider it a failure.  On the contrary, it's normal and happens.  All that matters is you pick back up.  The only caution I give is that by indulging in sugary/high carb/high glycemic index foods, you may find it very challenging to get back on track.  You will have to detox all over again.  Again, this is normal, and usually takes 3 days to get back on track if you stay away from the high carbs.

YOU CAN DO THIS!!!  I'd love to help too.  Let me know if you want my help signing up for free coaching.  That's all you have to do!!!


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